>Did you install Sane 1.0.9 manually (and in addition to the Sane
>installation that came with RH 8.0)? If so, the correct config files
>are in /usr/local/etc/sane.d. But: You should not have more than one
>Sane installation on your system, so please remove the old installation
>by runnning "rpm -e sane" as root user.
>If you are sure that you don't have a second Sane installation, we have
>to keep looking.

This was indeed the case. I hadn't realised that sane was installed as
an rpm and so I had attempted to install the 1.0.9 backends myself.

I removed the existing sane installation, found a new rpm for 1.0.9 and
installed and all is now working correctly. Thank you very much for your 
suggestions. I was so close!

BTW the RPM I found, and the initial RedHat 8 install puts the sane
stuff in /etc/sane.d rather than /usr/local/etc which is where the
distrib wants to put it.


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