Thanks Melanie

I think I'm using libusb, but I've not checked.

Between my posting and your response it's possible I've solved the problem by 
out all the details listed for other scanners in snapscan.config.

A couple of reboots and starting Xsane each time has produced a perfectly 
uneventful start 
for the scanner.

I'm none the wiser why this should be doing the trick, unless sane is checking 
all the 
options and some are causing a response from the e20 - that's my theory anway. 

However I'm not signing this off as 'solved' just yet, but certainly hopeful.

Cheers, Alisdair

Melanie wrote:
> Hello,
> On 2003.03.14 14:00 Alisdair wrote:
>> 1. The scanner spends about 15 seconds making rather worrying grinding 
>> noises (the scan head does not move at this time);
> I have the same scanner and I cannot reproduce your problem. With my 
> system, the scanner will start up by blinking it's light and not move 
> the head at all. The first head movement is the start of scanning.
> I am using the "scanner" kernel module, not libusb.
> Melanie
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