On Tue, 18 Mar 2003, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> On Tue, Mar 18, 2003 at 07:28:40PM +0000, William Gallafent wrote:
> > Scanning in 8-bit grey 300dpi, though, leads to some random
> > 'stretching' of parts of the result, and the head sometimes doesn't
> > get to the end of the scan area.
> So the scan head scans but doesn't move? That doesn't happen here with
> that scanner.
> Make sure that the scanner is placed on an absolute flat table. And
> check if the case still looks correctly. I don't think it's a hardware
> issue because it only happens in one mode but you never know.

I think it was an issue to do with the body of the scanner distorting under
the weight of a heavy book. It's now working fine at this and other
resolutions, using backends 1.0.12 and xsane 0.91, anyway :)

Thanks for your ideas, and for your work on SANE in general!

Bill Gallafent

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