I'm using Red Hat version 8 which has SANE and Xsane loaded from the start. I decided to try and get my Epson Perfection 1250 scanner to work in Linux. While reading all the data on the various web pages I clicked on something on the Epson page and that got me to a page outside the USA. There they talked about getting Epson scanners working in Linux. They had a lot of stuff about loading the scanner module and some other things, and then it had a place to download something.
The thing asked for my Epsom scanner model and what version of Linux and then I downloaded a RPM file. I installed the RPM and did the stuff they asked for and Iscan never worked. Then somewhere I learned about sane-find-scanner and that my scanner must use the plustek "back end", whatever that is. After a day of fooling around and all of a sudden Xsane started working! But Iscan still doesn't and I'm not at all sure why. Maybe Iscan needs a epson.conf of some sort? -- - Karl Larsen k5di Las Cruces,NM Az ScQRPions -