On Sat, 16 Nov 2002, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:

> However, if you run saned -d from xinetd, saned will try to open port
> 6566. Bang! That one is already opened by xinetd.
> So remove "-d" from saned in xinetd.conf.

Indeed, that was the problem.

> scanimage hp:/dev/scanner can't work. First, the option for setting
> the device is -d.

Actually it does work. But it's naughty not to follow the rules, so I will
not do this anymore ;-)

> > I have iptables running on the machine with the scanner, but that's ok.
> Sure? You need port 6566 and a data port. The data port is selected
> by the system running saned. It can be any port > 1024.

You're right, this is a second problem. But because of the first one, I
didn't see it. I changed my iptables-stuff, and now I can scan!

Wow, Thanks!

Now the only problem that's left, is the fact that xsane doesn't recognize
my scanner on the client side. If i run saned on the server, scanimage -L
finds no scanners, if I run saned -d it does!
But as I can scan from the command line with scanimage, I'm a happy man
for now.

Thenks again!

> Bye,
>   Henning
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To infinity, and beyond!

Steven Lowette
E-mail  : slowe...@vub.ac.be
Homepage: http://student.vub.ac.be/~slowette/

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