Hey folks,
I'm trying to get my OS X (10.2) box to talk to my UMax 1220u over USB. 
  libusb and sane built and installed correctly, when I run 
sane-find-scanner -v -v  I get the below.

So it seems to find the scanner, but it doesn't appear to configure it 
(despite the fact that the vendor/prod match the configuration file)  
and scanimage can't find it.  Any ideas?   Do I need to do something 
more to configure sane?

Thanks in advance,

searching for SCSI scanners:
   # No SCSI scanners found. If you expected something different, make 
sure that
   # you have loaded a SCSI driver for your SCSI adapter.

searching for USB scanners:
trying libusb:
device 0x05ac/0x8005 is not configured

<device descriptor of 0x1606/0x0010 at -06:002>
bLength               18
bDescriptorType       1
bcdUSB                1.00
bDeviceClass          0
bDeviceSubClass       0
bDeviceProtocol       0
bMaxPacketSize0       64
idVendor              0x1606
idProduct             0x0010
bcdDevice             1.00
iManufacturer         0 ()
iProduct              0 ()
iSerialNumber         0 ()
bNumConfigurations    1
  <configuration 0>
  bLength              9
  bDescriptorType      2
  wTotalLength         39
  bNumInterfaces       1
  bConfigurationValue  1
  iConfiguration       0 ()
  bmAttributes         64 (Self-powered)
  MaxPower             100 mA
   <interface 0>
    <altsetting 0>
    bLength            9
    bDescriptorType    4
    bInterfaceNumber   0
    bAlternateSetting  0
    bNumEndpoints      3
    bInterfaceClass    0
    bInterfaceSubClass 0
    bInterfaceProtocol 0
    iInterface         0 ()
     <endpoint 0>
     bLength           7
     bDescriptorType   5
     bEndpointAddress  0x01 (out 0x01)
     bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
     wMaxPacketSize    64
     bInterval         0 ms
     bRefresh          0
     bSynchAddress     0
     <endpoint 1>
     bLength           7
     bDescriptorType   5
     bEndpointAddress  0x82 (in 0x02)
     bmAttributes      2 (bulk)
     wMaxPacketSize    64
     bInterval         0 ms
     bRefresh          0
     bSynchAddress     0
     <endpoint 2>
     bLength           7
     bDescriptorType   5
     bEndpointAddress  0x83 (in 0x03)
     bmAttributes      3 (interrupt)
     wMaxPacketSize    1
     bInterval         1 ms
     bRefresh          0
     bSynchAddress     0
found USB scanner (vendor=0x1606, product=0x0010) at libusb:-06:002
device 0x05ac/0x8005 is not configured
   # A USB device was detected. This program can't be sure if it's really
   # a scanner. If it is your scanner, it may or may not be supported by
   # SANE. Try scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage.

   # Scanners connected to the parallel port or other proprietary ports 
can't be
   # detected by this program.

   # You may want to run this program as root to find all devices. Once 
   # found the scanner devices, be sure to adjust access permissions as
   # necessary.

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