
having problems with Microtek ScanMaker 96000 xl.

Environment: Linux RedHat 7.2
             Kernel 2.4.18

1. The preview: When previewing a A4 Page with normal text on my ScanMaker 
   (A3 scanner), then after previewing, the dashed frame painted around the read
   page is not correct: horizontally, the frame correctly stops at the right 
   of the A$ page, but the lower margin does not stop at the bottom of the A4 
   but at the bottom of the Scanners A3 pane. That means, the preview frame 
   the rectangle u,v,w,x and not u,v,y,z

   u                         v 
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |  A3 Pane
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |       A4 sheet          |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   |                         |               |
   +-------------------------+               |
   |y                        z               |
   |                         .               |
   |                         .               |
   |                         .               |
   |                         .               |
   |                         .               |
   |                         .               |
   w                          x

2. Having problems when scanning in LineArt or Halftone mode: in the scan,
   a lot of horizontal pixel lines are shifted against each other, so you have a
   "shaked" not readable picture.

   Scanning in Grayscale/Color mode is OK.


Joachim Backes


Joachim Backes <bac...@rhrk.uni-kl.de>       | Univ. of Kaiserslautern
Computer Center, High Performance Computing  | Phone: +49-631-205-2438 
D-67653 Kaiserslautern, PO Box 3049, Germany | Fax:   +49-631-205-3056 
WWW: http://hlrwm.rhrk.uni-kl.de/home/staff/backes.html  

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