Olivier, I was toying with getting a front-end on my Mac OS X and the back end on a linux or cygwin server.
The reason I can't put the backend on the Mac OS X is that it's a parallel port scanner. Regards, Jim ----- Original Message ----- From: "Olivier Chararas" <ochara...@mac.com> To: <sane-de...@mostang.com> Sent: Wednesday, April 24, 2002 12:41 AM Subject: [sane-devel] Re: sane/xsane on Mac OS X? > Jim George wrote : > > > Can I just ask the originator what development tools is he/she using? > > > > Jim > > > Hello, > > In fact i didn't want to originate a thread but to ask a question to > paul beard about his MacOSX build. I hope this message gets in thread. > If I can't figure how to answer properly in thread, I'll stop messing > the list. Perhaps turning digest off will be easier. > > Incidently, Olivier is a he. > > For SANE I'm _trying_ ;-) to use the standard devTools that come with > MacOSX.1. cc is a modified gcc : > Apple Computer, Inc. version gcc-932.1, based on gcc version 2.95.2 > > In Classic environment I'm using, in a very basic fashion, MPW. > > May i ask in turn why do you ask ? I saw that you have been using > different systems, and i think i understood you wanted to use MacOSX for > a front end? Did you build frontend or (even better) backend on MacOSX ? > > Regards. > > -- > OC > >