Henning, see below please

> On Thu, Apr 18, 2002 at 07:47:06AM +0100, Jim George wrote:
> >     for various reasons I've moved from SuSE to cygwin and I want to
know if
> > I can bring sane with me as it appears to be the best/easiest way for me
> > offer remote scanning to the rest of my home network clients.
> XSane runs on Windows using cygwin. It can't use local scanners so you
> can only go the other way round. XSane is linked against the net
> backend, so this one is ported, too.

I'm confused..if there's a saned then it must talk to a local device?

> >     I saw on the list, a long time ago, that someone had been successful
> > with this venture.  My question is, can someone point me at a reference
> > person to get me started on this?
> Oliver Rauch at least once wrote into the PROJECTS file:
> "win32 port of SANE (planned)".
> I have never tried but I guess porting the infrastructure and the
> backends is possible but will take time. The main problem is,
> that you need access to the SCSI, USB and parport system to access the
> scanners. I guess that will be quite a lot of work.
> By the way: Would it be possible to write a TWAIN-SANE bridge? That
> means, accessing TWAIN scanners on a Windows system by SANE on a Unix
> system?
I thought this already existed.  I used precisely this when I was using SANE
on a Linux box.
I believe it's called sane-twain.


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