Hi! While I was writing the suggestion for Xsane below, I realised that it could also be used in all frontends (scanimage? xscanimage...), and to reach many frontend authors, I am posting it here too.
I have a scanner, which has a built in transparency unit. In has also a dia frame holder which can hold up to 6 diaframes. The bundles software has the possibility to select a number of areas on the screen, and then scan them all at one shot. This is very convinient, when you want to scan many dias. So my suggestion is that this is added to the planned fuatures list, the possibility to select a number of areas and then scan them all at once. It should also be possible to save the areas configuration, since In many cased the areas are always the same, since the use the use of a frameholder. Another nice feature would be if there was an "automatic area selector" for transparency units. It should be possible to do this, since a prewiev gives a black picture with some rectangular fields. Since you can assume that the pictures are rectangular, you can make a good estimation on where the actual pictures are. (One reason for why I would like this is that some dias are portrait and some are landscape, you have to select areas which covers both and then edit each singe image manually). I just come to think about a fact. The area for 35mm dias are always the same, right, so the automation is even siplier, just find areas with transparency and fit a 35mm rectangle to them... This could also be done with a reclective unit, since the areas with no pictures will have a uniform color. In this case it would also be beneficial if an automatic rotation of the pictures are made, since in this case you dont have a frameholder that placs the pictures in a right angle. Same goes here, if you can select that the pictures are of a certain standard format, it should be easy to fit a rectangular to the non-unicolor areas, in the best fit angle and then adjust the angle and save the scanned pictures to the harddisk, everything automatically. 1. Set up the settings for (all pictures) { place the pictures in the scanner, as good as you can klick on scan } find all pictures in the directory of your harddisk (named with a choosen preix and a number serie Mypic001.jpg, Mypic002.jpg...). _____________________________________________________________ Want a new web-based email account ? ---> http://www.firstlinux.net _____________________________________________________________ Run a small business? Then you need professional email like y...@yourbiz.com from Everyone.net http://www.everyone.net?tag