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On ven, 2002-08-30 at 16:16, Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:

> > Will be it working as scanner ? Is it supported by sane ? Have=20
> > you any experience with it ?
> As far as I know, there is no direct driver for this camera. However,
> you may have luck using gphoto2 (http://www.gphoto.org). There is a
> gphoto2-interface for SANE, so if it's supported by gphoto2, you can
> use it by SANE, too.

It is not supported by gphoto2. Unless this camera is a clone or OEM of
another camera we (gphoto2) already support.
Trust is not know to be developer friendly...
> I don't know anything about cameras but I remember someone wrote in
> Usenet that some cameras can be connected as USB storage devices. This
> USB device class is standardized so it may be possible to use the
> device that way.

There are 2 standardized USB protocol used.
-"Still Image Camera" a.k.a. PTP. This one is pushed by Kodak and its
Easy Share system
-"USB Mass Storage". This is not specifically a protocol for digital
camera, but rather a SCSI disk over USB to have disk drives. It is used
by a lot of cameras.

For a digital camera support chart, see
This page is more up to date than gphoto website :-/

Hub, from gphoto2 team
AbiWord hacker to hire. - Lille, France
http://www.teaser.fr/~hfiguiere/ - Cell phone: +33 6 18 01 42 11
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