> > I haven't ever used SaneTwain. In older SANE versions saned had some
> > timing issues that may show such behaviour. Do you use SANE 1.0.8?
> Those timeout problems usually manifest themselves with SaneTwain as "Read 
> error -64" etc.
> When using saned in xinetd mode, does SaneTwain find the host and can it 
> connect to the host? You can try telnet'ing to the sane host on port 6566 
> and see if the connection is not closed immediately or no connection is 
> even made. If SaneTwain gives "Error opening the device" as error, the 
> open() call failed. Make sure saned can find the Windows client (although 
> when it works when running in debug mode this might not be the problem).
>       Herman

I can telnet to port 6566 from the windows machine.  SaneTwain appears
to connect up, but gives "Error opening device, you may need to restart
the device" or something similar.

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