
On Sun, Jul 14, 2002 at 10:44:56AM +1200, V K wrote:
> 3) I have a huge conceptional problem with scanning 2-colour images and
> applying a threshold. There isn't anywhere to set a threshold value.
> The scanning itself would have to be done at grayscale of course. This
> seems a basic operation to me and I can't see why xsane doesn't seem to
> support it, considering many advanced features are there. The scanner
> supports grayscale.

I don't think that's a job for the frontend (XSane). The backend
should provide an option to adjust brightness/threshold for Lineart as
usually the variable threshold value is implemented in the scanner's

If the backend supports Lineart, it should allow to set a threshold.
Maybe you have disabled standard or advanced options in XSane?


> HP 4P 
> sane-find-scanner: found SCSI processor "HP C1130A 3540" at device /dev/sg0
> Thanks for a marvellous program!
> Volker
> -- 
> Volker Kuhlmann                       is possibly list0570 with the domain in 
> header
> http://volker.orcon.net.nz/           Please do not CC list postings to me.
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