> From: Uwe Reimann <s...@pulsar.homelinux.net>
> To: sane-de...@mostang.com
> Subject: [sane-devel] Epson Perferction 1250
> Hi there,
> is anybody working on the backend for the Epson Perfection 1250?
> I read a mail in the archives, telling red is the only color that is 
> scanned right and something about beeing "not DC-restored". Will it be 
> hard to correct that? I am able to program, I just don't know that much 
> about scanners (it's my first one).  Some comments would be appreciated.
> Regards, Uwe
In addition to the one that Gene mentioned, there is also a patch
available on http://hp2200c.sourceforge.net/

I have had a few reports that this works quite well; I really need to
look at what Gerhard Jaeger has been looking at, and see which version
we should be working on...

Phil Underwood

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