This is a multi-part message in MIME format. --------------060205090908070901020103 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
Hello everybody from Neumünster/Germany, I have just subscribed the mailinglist and would like to make the following request! Can anybody help me? After installing Xcdroast on my Linux-system (SuSE 7.3, Kernel 2.4) I had to set both - the IDE-CD-Rom and the IDE-CD-Writer - as SCSI-devices via the "SCSI-emulation", using the command in lilo-append "hdc=ide-scsi hdd=ide-scsi". That works well for Xcdroast but now my SCSI-Scanner (Mustek Paragon 600 II) gives, when using it via Xsane as normal user, the errormessage "Fehler bei Geräte IO"and does not work at all. When scanning as root via sane the scanner works, allthough the ...pnm-file, which is created, can not be read by gimp (error-message"unexpected end of file"). scanimage -L gives the correct answer "device `mustek:/dev/sg2' is a Mustek 600S/600 II CD flatbed scanner" cat proc/scsi/scsi gives the answer in the attached file (CD-Rom at 0000, CD-RW at 0010 and Scanner at 1060) and a scsirescan-script (when the scanner is switched on after boot) gives the same message when used as "root" but tells, when used as normal "user", that there is no right for access to the SCSI-Adapter 1, device 0-8, which is my "physical" SCSI-Adapter. SCSI 0, device 0 and 1 is the SCSI-Emulation ("virtual SCSI-Adapter") for the both CD's. For SCSI 0 the access is allowed - for the devices 0,1 and !!2!!. From 3 on, access is denied also! It seams, that SuSE does mix something up at this point! As if it expects the Scanner at device 0020, while it realy is at 1060. What can I do? How can I set the permission correct for the physical SCSI-Adapter?(sg2 has the right permissions!) Looking forward to hearing from You Siegfried --------------060205090908070901020103 Content-Type: application/x-java-vm; name="catproc" Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 Content-Disposition: inline; filename="catproc" QXR0YWNoZWQgZGV2aWNlczogCkhvc3Q6IHNjc2kwIENoYW5uZWw6IDAwIElkOiAwMCBMdW46 IDAwCiAgVmVuZG9yOiBFLUlERSAgICBNb2RlbDogQ0QtUk9NIDUyWC9BS0ggICBSZXY6IEE2 NCAKICBUeXBlOiAgIENELVJPTSAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgIEFOU0kgU0NT SSByZXZpc2lvbjogMDIKSG9zdDogc2NzaTAgQ2hhbm5lbDogMDAgSWQ6IDAxIEx1bjogMDAK ICBWZW5kb3I6IFJJQ09IICAgIE1vZGVsOiBDRC1SL1JXIE1QNzA4M0EgIFJldjogMS4yMAog IFR5cGU6ICAgQ0QtUk9NICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgQU5TSSBTQ1NJIHJl dmlzaW9uOiAwMgpIb3N0OiBzY3NpMSBDaGFubmVsOiAwMCBJZDogMDYgTHVuOiAwMAogIFZl bmRvcjogU0NBTk5FUiAgTW9kZWw6ICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgUmV2OiAyLjAzCiAgVHlw ZTogICBTY2FubmVyICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICAgICBBTlNJIFNDU0kgcmV2aXNp b246IDAxIENDUwo= --------------060205090908070901020103--