
On Wed, Oct 02, 2002 at 11:33:58AM +0100, Jonathan Buzzard wrote:
> I have just uploaded an update to the "USB Scanners under Linux". I
> would be grateful if people could check the page out an let me know
> of any errors and or omissions.

Thanks for your update!

Some comments about your USB page:
| As a result all the Epson scanners APART FROM THE Perfection 1250 work
| under Linux and SANE.

The 1250 is supported by the Plustek backend as mentioned in the list

| Mustek:
| Plug-a-Scan 600CU, 1200UB, 1200CU, 1200CU Plus
Just for information: These scanners are sold (or were sold) under the
label "ScanExpress" at least in Germany, probably also in other

| Scan Express 1200UB Plus, BearPaw 1200CU, 2400CU, 1200TA, 2400TA,
| 2400TA Plus
Also supported by the gt68xx backend: BearPaw 1200 CS, BearPaw 2400 CU Plus

There are some other scanners that are reported to work with this
backend: Packard Bell Diamond 1200, Aldi LT 9452, Lexmark X70

| BearPaw 1200, 2400
As mentioned by Gerhard, these are supported by the Plustek backend

| BearPaw 1200F
That's a (yet unsupported) SCSI-over-USB scanner. It may be supported
some time in the future by the Mustek SCSI backend
(http://www.meier-geinitz.de/sane/), but I can't promise. I got as far
as reading the SCSI inquiry which looks similar to that of ScanExpress
SCSI scanners.

Mustek BearPaw 2400 TA Pro, BearPaw 4800 TA Pro: Not supported. Both
are CCD scanners that are reported to have "SQ" and "Ali" chipsets
whatever this means.

|Trust Compact Scan USB 19200:
| Supported by the mustek_usb backend. See the SANE Mustek backend
| homepage for details and an alpha release.

The mustek_usb backend is stable now.


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