Henning Meier-Geinitz wrote:
> Hi,
> On Sun, Sep 01, 2002 at 11:12:30PM +0200, abel deuring wrote:
>>>Can you do that? You are a lot more familiar with the SCSI code :-)
>>In theory, no problem. I'm currently a bit busy with other stuff, so I 
>>might simply forget it... If nothing happened till, say, next sunday, 
>>feel free to kick me in the *** ;)
> Ok. If you set a default value: after lots of testing the person with
> the problem reported 99 seconds to be the maximum so we should set it
> to 120 seconds. But with an environment variable I can also add a
> comment to the manpage how to set it.

I've commited changes of sanei_scsi.c sane sane-scsi.man to the CVS 
server. The default timeout value is now 120 seconds; can be changed by 
setting the environment variable SANE_SCSICMD_TIMEOUT.

I can test the stuff only on Linux, so it would be fine, if others could 
test, if I messed up the implementation for other OSes.

Can be interesting to select a very small value ;) With one second 
timeout, the Sharp backend segfaults. (Didn't fix that yet...)


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