On Thursday 23 August 2001 00:12, Andrew Lazarewicz wrote:
> Hello!  SANE 1.05 and XSANE 0.79 work fine, finally, with one exception. 
> At the end of a scan, the scan does not end correctly, and waits exactly 10
> minutes to end the scan.  After that, the menu functions return.  The scan
> should end when the physical scan is finished.
> Using SCSI Adaptec 2940; HP 6200C scanner.
> Thanks!  - Andy Lazarewicz
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Try using the old scsi module, or recompiling the current sane version which 
has a long scsi timeout value. I did'nt try the recompiling suggestion but I 
did use the old module and this works fine for me.

rmmod aic7xxx
insmod aic7xxx_old

(as root).

I have put this in my rc.local file so it is done at boot.


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