Hi, > A few months ago there were some (major?) changes in the snapscan backend. > The changes made the backend much more stable (especially color scans and > preview). With these changes a disalignment was introduced again.
That's correct, but the disalignment was only broken for certain models (e.g. SnapScan 600), since they report positive signed color offsets ... > It was > fixed again just a few days ago (at the moment only available by cvs or the > cvs-web-interface of sourceforge). It's now also available as a release version (snapscan-20011129, http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=12742&release_id=63472). > > Perhaps your scanner has a physical alignment problem. > > I hope it has not! > But you are right, one pixel at maximum resolution isn't very much. If, as you're saying, the yellow layer has to be moved to the *right*, than your scanner definitely has an alignment problem. At the moment only correction in y-dimension is done. The scanner, as far as I know, doesn't report any offsets in x-dimension, so that's probably a mechanical alignment problem of the three sensors. (But, to be fair, I can also notice a similar effect on my Acer 600UT. I have to boot Windows one of these days and see how the windows software handles it.) Regards, Oliver