First, my HP 6350 works very fine in sane 1.0.6, good work !

System Linux 2.4.13-xfs/glibc2.2.2, smp, enough cpus & ram.

But there is a differnce in running this scanner as SCSI or USB.

In the SCSI mode (my system requires an aditional SCSI card for wich is 
no slot free) scanning works like a relly fast charm. Preview (xsane) and 
scanning runs continuesly.

In usb mode the preview and scanning runns like rrr-stop-rrr-stop... and 
so on. The scanner backend does not run the scanner in it's posibilities.

IMHO this is not the matter of data-rate and bandwith, it comes up 
scanning small pics like slides etc.

Any ideas ?

J. Sauer

Jürgen Sauer - AutomatiX GmbH, +49-4209-4699, j...@automatix.de **
** Das Linux Systemhaus - Service - Support - Server - Lösungen **
http://www.automatix.de to Mail me: remove: -not-for-spawm-     **

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