
On Thu, Sep 13, 2001 at 11:35:26AM +0200, Christoph Kukulies wrote:
> I posted right after subscribing but got a mail saying my message was held
> for approval because this was a post by a non-member. I don't
> understand this because I sent only after I received my membership approval.

Possible reason: different e-mail addresses for subscription and
sending mail to sane-devel?

> The picture I obtained using scanimage >data and converting the data to a .jpg
> can be found under
> http://mozart.physik.rwth=aachen.de/~kuku/data.jpg

I answered to this privately but maybe it's of interest for other
users: I think that this is not related to software, it looks like
there is a problem with the scan slider or the sensor. At least I have
never heard about such a problem from other users.

> I may be missing something important but my approach was quite straigt
> forward. I didn't find any configuration file though. I would have expected 
> that the make install would advise me what to do if I had to edit
> a configuration file.

The configuration file for the Mustek backend is mustek.conf (usually
at /usr/local/etc/sane.d/). Usually it's not necessary to touch it for
basic scanning. However, there are some options for tuning slow scans.
The documentation is in man sane-mustek, some more general infos are
in man sane.

> Excuses for using a developer list for a probably simple user question
> but I didn't find a sane-users list.

There is no other list as pointed out on the website. Asking questions
here is ok.


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