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I've started converting gphoto2 to use the "official" gphoto2 API.  This
requires linking with libgphoto2, and therefore needs some more 
autoconf related changes.  I've attached the proposed patches.  They
are a bit more complex than the check I had before, but I've followed
the existing SANE_CHECK_PTAL very closely, so hopefully there are no
surprises.  There shouldn't be too much need for additional changes beyond

Pete Fales

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="acinclude.m4.patch"

< # Checks for gphoto2 - needed by the gphoto2 backend.
> # Checks for gphoto2 libs, needed by gphoto2 backend
<   AC_CHECK_PROG(GPHOTO2_BIN, gphoto2, gphoto2)
>       AC_ARG_WITH(gphoto2,
>         [  --with-gphoto2=DIR         specify the top-level GPHOTO2 directory 
>                           [default=/usr/local]])
>       if test "$with_gphoto2" = "no" ; then
>               echo disabling GPHOTO2
>       else
>               AC_CHECK_TOOL(HAVE_GPHOTO2, gphoto2, false)
>               GPHOTO2_OLD_LDFLAGS=${LDFLAGS}
>               if test "$with_gphoto2" = "yes" ; then
>                       with_gphoto2=/usr/local
>               fi
>               CPPFLAGS="${CPPFLAGS} -I$with_gphoto2/include/gphoto2"
>               LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -L$with_gphoto2/lib 
> -L$with_gphoto2/lib/gphoto2"
>               AC_CHECK_HEADERS(gphoto2-core.h,
>                       AC_CHECK_LIB(gphoto2,gp_init,
>                               AC_DEFINE(HAVE_GPHOTO2, 1, [Is GPHOTO2 
> available?])
>                               LDFLAGS="${LDFLAGS} -lgphoto2"
>                               GPHOTO2_TMP_HAVE_GPHOTO2=yes))
>               if test "${GPHOTO2_TMP_HAVE_GPHOTO2}" != "yes" ; then
>                       CPPFLAGS=${GPHOTO2_OLD_CPPFLAGS}
>                       LDFLAGS=${GPHOTO2_OLD_LDFLAGS}
>                       HAVE_GPHOTO2="false"
>               fi
>       fi
>       unset GPHOTO2_TMP_HAVE_GPHOTO2
>       unset GPHOTO2_OLD_CPPFLAGS
>       unset GPHOTO2_OLD_LDFLAGS

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="configure.in.patch"

< if test "${GPHOTO2_BIN}" != "gphoto2" \
> if test "${HAVE_GPHOTO2}" != "gphoto2" \


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