
On Thu, Feb 21, 2002 at 01:09:56PM +0100, Mario Giammarco wrote:
> Hello, I have just seen my genius hr6 usb scanner supported in latest
> version of sane.
> I was so happy but I then discovered that scanimage -L gives me no
> positive answer.
> I then discovered that my scanner has a product id of 2004 and not 2007
> as in sane plustek driver. 
> So I tried to modify plustek driver source but without luck.

Couldn't you find the right place to modify or wasn't the scanner

Is it detected by the kernel scanner module? Is it found by

If the scanner uses the same chip as the "2007" model it should be
sufficiant to add a line like this at in plustek-devs.c:

{"0x0458-0x2004",  &Cap0x07B3_0x0007_0, &Hw0x07B3_0x0007_0, "ColorPage-HR6 V2" 

then recompile (touch backend/plustek.c, make, make install).

Edit plustek.conf and add
[usb] 0x0458 0x2004
and the scanner device name.

You can get more information with
SANE_DEBUG_PLUSTEK=255 scanimage -L


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