I'm trying to do something more constructive than inserting lots 
of DEBUG printfs in the sane-find-scanner code, though that's not 
a bad approach if I could figure out what to print(f) out.

I can't seem to work out where exactly the device is probed so I 
can examine what comes back. I have verified that 
sane-find-scanner sees the device as a scanner (devtype 6), but 
can't get the vendor or other particulars to show up.

DEBUG: at 146: devtype = 6
DEBUG: at 157: buffer =, sfd = 3
DEBUG: at 159: pp = 0
DEBUG: at 160: vendor = 0
DEBUG: at 164: pp = 0
DEBUG: at 171: pp = 0
Hmmm: sane-find-scanner: found SCSI scanner "  " at device /dev/uk0

but that's all I can get out of this, given my C knowledge.

I would have thought this would output "unknown device" since 
nothing seems to be known about the device. All I can find out is 
that it's accessible on /dev/uk0.

   printf ("Hmmm: %s: found SCSI %s \"%s %s %s\" at device %s\n", 
prog_name, devtype < NELEMS(devtypes) ? devtypes[devtype] : 
"unknown device", vendor, product, version, devicename);

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