Hi Michal, this could be used in a GUI that is specialized to a certain backend. In general the backend just shows the availability of certain types of options. It does not tell anything about their meanings (beside some well defined options).
--Peter Michal Marus(ka wrote: > Peter Kirchgessner <pe...@kirchgessner.net> writes: > > >>You can start xscanimage and switch to matrix-type Custom. Then you see what >>is used to enter the values for matrix-rgb. This was the reason why custom >>matrix has been disabled. Using 9 sliders would be an alternative. >> > > when scanning in greyscale, the selection is a 3D vector. It might be good to > have (as the GUI element) something like a view of a semisphere of the > unit ball in the RGB space, and have it rotated directly by the trackball > (yes i > don't use mouse). This way you just select the color of the background (which > you don't want) and .... > > > > -- Peter Kirchgessner http://www.kirchgessner.net mailto:pe...@kirchgessner.net