This issue frustrates a lot of people (myself included). I ended up having
to ditch the Windows client DNS updates, and instead have my dhcp server
update the records. Refer to a previous thread between Rowland and myself.
In there he gives a very useful link for doing this.

*Scott Goodwin*
IT Lead
Mimic Technologies, Inc
811 First Avenue, Suite 408  |  Seattle, WA 98104
phone: 1.800.918.1670  |  direct: 206.456.9180
fax: 206.623.3491  |  cell: 206.355.7767

2013/10/14 Jacó Ramos <>

> Hi List,
> My clients windows not update record DNS on zones!
> Show my log:
> ------------------------------------------
> samba_dlz: starting transaction on zone
> client update '' denied
> samba_dlz: cancelling transaction on zone
> ------------------------------------------
> Anyone have any ideas?
> Thanks!
> Jacó Ramos
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