On Fri, 2013-10-11 at 10:54 -0700, Mauricio Alvarez wrote:
> Hello,
>    I can NO LONGER join the existing win 2003 domain (functional level win 
> 2003, I also have installed Group Policy Client Side Extensions for Windows 
> Server 2003).
> I am running on Ubuntu Server 13.04. I have tried Samba 4.0.10, 4.1.0 and 
> also, in desperation, samba-master.
> I managed to join the domain with samba 4.0.8 (not sure if it was .8 or .9, 
> it was in mid-September), downloaded via git, compiled and followed the wiki.
> All was running OK for some time, until I found out it wan no longer 
> replicating. Then I noticed WERR_VERSION_MISMATCH errors when running drs 
> showrepl.
> Since I was no longer able to demote the Samba4  DC, I decided to manualy 
> delete from the Win2003, delete the samba4 directories and start over.
> Now when I try join the domain it fails with 
> ERROR(<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>): uncaught exception - 
> 'drsuapi.DsBindInfoFallBack' object has no attribute 'supported_extensions'

To make any progress we need the full backtrace.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett                                http://samba.org/~abartlet/
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org

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