On 11/10/13 19:06, Lee Allen wrote:
Steve thank you for pointing that out.

I made those changes and it does not effect the results.
'getent group UID' works
'getent group groupname' does not work, for the same group

On Fri, Oct 11, 2013 at 12:25 PM, steve <st...@steve-ss.com> wrote:

Quite a bit missing here. Try:

idmap config * : backend = tdb
idmap config * : range = 9800-9900
idmap config ALLENLAN : default = yes
idmap config ALLENLAN : schema mode = rfc2307
idmap config ALLENLAN : backend = ad
idmap config ALLENLAN : range = 10000-1000000


Hi, have you tried 'getent group Domain\ Users' ?

Mind you if all else fails, ditch winbind and use sssd

getent group
Domain Admins:*:27:
Domain Guests:*:65534:
Domain Users:*:100:

getent group 100

getent group users

getent group Domain\ Users
Domain Users:*:100:

getent group "Domain Users"
Domain Users:*:100:

getent group "domain users"

The last one is the only one that failed


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