
I am also having problems joining an existing Win2k3 domain using samba 4.0.10. 
Today I tried 4.1.0, same story (I get a drsuapi.DsBindInfoFallBack object has 
no attribute--see a few messages above in the mailing list). Now in desperation 
I am trying samba-head.

What concerns me is that previous version of samba4 I could bind OK to the 
domain (but then had problems with replication, so I had to start over).

By the way, are you running in Win2003 functional level? Did you install Group 
Policy Client Side Extensions for Windows Server 2003 (KB943729)?

> Hi Greg

>My passwords are correct and account i am using to join with is valid, and
> works properly!

> Grato
> Jacó Ramos
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