On 09/10/2013 15:06, steve wrote:
> On Wed, 2013-10-09 at 10:18 +0200, Alessio Tomelleri wrote:
>> Thx Steve for your quick replay.
>> ...and sorry for my late, but I was away in last two days, anyway here
>> I'am...
>> For first, nscd is not running anywhere...
>> Secondly, I have to admit that perhaps (almost sure), I have
>> misunderstood something about samba4/winbind, and these two last day had
>> been useful to clarify to me...
>> Yes, that configuration implies what you wrote... actually AD relies to
>> a 2k3 servers that have not any uidNumber and/or gidNumber conf... I
>> think I have to relies to our old openldap or switch to config this
>> "member server"  as samba4 dc integrated in domain
>> Thx, Alessio Tomelleri
> Hi
> 2003 didn't have either rfc2307 nor sfu, so if you wish to keep your
> idmap in ad then you'll need to extend the schema to sfu. The other
> alternative (which I hate) is the rid backend:
> idmap config *:backend = tdb
> idmap config *:range = 70001-80000
> idmap config SHORTDOMAIN:backend = rid
> idmap config SHORTDOMAIN:range = 500-40000
> It maps the uid:gid pair depending on the RID and stores the values in a
> second db.
> Steve

Hi Steve,

thanks for the help and point me this last one...


Alessio Tomelleri

Ufficio Tecnico
ARPAV - Dipartimento Provinciale di Belluno
v. Tomea, 5 - Belluno (BL), 32100
tel. +390437935516
fax. +39043730340
email: atomell...@arpa.veneto.it
web :  http://www.arpa.veneto.it

PGP Id chiave: 0x85FDC3F2 
Registered Linux user: nr.496721


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