El 30/09/13 17:11, Rowland Penny escribió:
> On 30/09/13 21:45, Neurodesarrollo wrote:
>> El 26/09/13 16:09, Neurodesarrollo escribió:
>>> Hi List, I'm new in the list and with Samba4
>>> I was installed, samba4 ver. 4.0.9 in a server with openSUSE 12.3, 32 bits.
>>> Previously I had samba3.6.x installed in my server, the users could
>>> access to /home/(users) as like as users drive (U:) and modify every
>>> thing in theirs drive.
>>> But with Samba4:
>>> - How my users can modify theirs home(eg.User:erick, with home
>>> directory: /home/erick ) in the server, because in this, they can't
>>> modify(Delete, Create, Rename and so so) any thing.
>>> - When the user login in their session how can appear automatically the
>>> drive U: for example with their home files.
>>> My client PC are windows XP sp2 installed with theirs profiles "only local".
>>> Thanks
>>>     T.I.A.
>>> I provide my "smb.conf" configuration if you could help me.
>>> [global]
>>>     server string = Samba4 Server en NEURODESARROLLO
>>>     workgroup = NEURODCAR
>>>     realm = NEURODCAR.MTZ.SLD.CU
>>>     netbios name = ALFA
>>>     server role = active directory domain controller
>>>     server services = s3fs, rpc, nbt, wrepl, ldap, cldap, kdc, drepl,
>>> winbind, ntp_signd, kcc
>>>     dns forwarder =
>>>     logon path = \\%L\profiles\%U
>>>     logon home = \\%N\%U
>>>     logon drive = U:
>>>     domain logons = Yes
>>>     domain master = Yes
>>>     local master = Yes
>>>     preferred master = Yes
>>>     os level = 65
>>>     log level = 3
>>> [homes]
>>>     comment = Home Directories
>>>     valid users = %ACCOUNTNAME%, %S, %D%w%S
>>>     browseable = No
>>>     read only = No
>>> [profiles]
>>>     path = /usr/local/samba/Profiles/
>>>     read only = No
>>> [netlogon]
>>>     path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol/neurodcar.mtz.sld.cu/scripts
>>>     read only = No
>>> [sysvol]
>>>     path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol
>>>     read only = No
>>> [printers]
>>>     comment = All Printers
>>>     path = /var/tmp
>>>     printable = Yes
>>>     create mask = 0600
>>>     browseable = No
>>> [print$]
>>>     comment = Printer Drivers
>>>     path = /var/lib/samba/drivers
>>>     write list = @ntadmin root
>>>     force group = ntadmin
>>>     create mask = 0664
>>>     directory mask = 0775
>>> #######################################
>> Any body in this list can help me ???
>> Thanks in Advance
> Hi, from your posted smb.conf, you seem to be mixing up the settings for
> an AD DC and an old-style NT-PDC, most of the global part of it could be
> removed. The [homes] section will not work as before, it needs to be
> [home] and you need to supply the path to where ever they are stored.
> Have a look here:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Setup_and_configure_file_shares
> Rowland

Thanks friends, all working fine now.

I want ask another question: Can do it without Window$, the last part in
the URL above (Change permitions of the share files) with a tools of Samba4.

Jesús Reyes Piedra
Admin Red Neurodearrollo,Cárdenas

La caja decía:"Requiere windows 95 o superior"...
Entonces instalé LINUX.

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