Hi Samba Users,
I upgraded my version of Samba from 4.0.9 to 4.0.10 on my test system this
morning using the Sernet RPM's for Centos 6 . I got the following error
when trying to access shares on the server from Win 7.
"\\servername\gpfstest is not accessible. You might not have permission to
use this network resource. Contact the administrator of this server to find
out if you have access permissions. The process cannot access the file
because it is being used by another process."
I can still access the share from Win XP so i'm guessing this is and SMB2
issue. In the server logs is see the following error :

[2013/10/09 10:30:30.593372,  1]
  ndr_pull_share_mode_lock failed: Bad Array Size
[2013/10/09 10:30:30.593402,  0]
  Could not get share mode lock
[2013/10/09 10:30:30.594086,  3]
  check_reduced_name [.] [/gpfstest]
[2013/10/09 10:30:30.594130,  3]
  check_reduced_name: . reduced to /gpfstest
[2013/10/09 10:30:30.594372,  3] ../source3/smbd/dosmode.c:160(unix_mode)
  unix_mode(.) returning 0770
[2013/10/09 10:30:30.594446,  1] ../librpc/ndr/ndr.c:412(ndr_pull_error)
  ndr_pull_error(1): non-zero array offset 10

My Samba install is running atop a GPFS Cluster and i'm using acl's so
maybe these are contributing factors.
I took a peek at the code but can't see anything obvious. Maybe it is
related to the Bug fix for #10106 ?

For now i have downgraded to 4.0.9 and all is well :)

Ian Clancy
IS Department
Valeo Vision Systems (VVS)

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