Am 24.09.2013 09:13, schrieb Thomas Besser:
Like described here
I enabled 'root' for short and granted the 'SePrintOperator' right to a
normal account and switched back to security = ads

Now the next problem arises:

I can now upload the win drivers as described in your howto section
"Uploading printer drivers for Point'n'Print driver installation"
successfully. I can also see the files in the samba drivers share.

But I can not associate it with a printer! The dropdown on is empty!

Any hint what's wrong here? A bug in samba4?

I revalidated my HowTo today for someone else who is having a question about print server. And I could reproduce your problem: I upload a x64 driver successfully, but the driver combobox with the drivers is empty.

If I associate the driver with the printer by rpcclient, as mentioned in the HowTo, too, everything is fine and I can configure the printer and continue.

But what confuses me more: If I upload a x86 driver for the printer, too, then the driver appears in the list. Also the driver appears if only a x86 driver is uploaded. This sounds a bit like a bug for me.

I'll try to find out more. But as workaround you can upload the x86 driver (additionally to your x64 driver) or use rpcclient to associate the driver with the printer.

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