Hi Jason I used exactly the same procedure that you described. I forgot about "CREATOR OWNER" but after test no changes. I googled a lot around and found many people experimenting issus whith the mac osx SMBX implementation.
can provide me some precisions that could help me eliminate cetains points : Did you provisioning samba with The --use-rfc2307 option ? What is the version of your Mac OSX ? Are you able to write from mac osx to another shared directory than the "users home dir" ? Once again thanks for your detailled reply and help ! Kind regadrs, Athan ________________________________ De : Jason MacChesney <jason.macches...@ecacs16.ab.ca> À : Athan DE JONG <athan.dej...@yahoo.fr> Cc : "samba@lists.samba.org" <samba@lists.samba.org> Envoyé le : Vendredi 4 octobre 2013 19h31 Objet : Re: [Samba] write problem from mac osx 10.8.5 clients to samba 4 Hey Athan, in order to do what you want this is what I would do in my environment; I would create the share in my smb.conf. Then create the directory on the server. I would populate a group for using the share, either on the server using samba-tool or using the snap-in. Then jump over to my Windows 7 machine, go to \\MY_SERVER, right-click my share, tab>security, and set full control permissions to CREATOR OWNER, SYSTEM, Domain Admins, and the group that's been created for this share. I would then instruct the people in that group that in order to access the share they need to open a finder, click GO > Connect to Server. Then they would need to mount the share using smb://MY_SERVER/SHARE ...they may need to enter their AD credentials at this point. I have no idea what the map UID, GUID implications are in directory utility, sorry! Good luck! On Fri, Oct 4, 2013 at 10:02 AM, Athan DE JONG <athan.dej...@yahoo.fr> wrote: Hi Jason > > >Thanks for your answer ! > > >sorry for the delay of my reply i'm very busy this times. > > >glad to hear that you was able to deploy OSX in samba ! > > >so your mac osx is bind-ed and you can read/write to your home directory on >the server ? > > >can you read/write to another samba share ? > > >My problem is a little different as i'm not using roaming profiles. The choice >of samab 4 was that we later have to setup mail service on the same server and >so we will be able to use the AD for this later. >My goal for the moment is to share a public folder for a specific group of >users ! > > >my mac osx is bind-ed to AD i am able to read and delete files but not to >write files to the samba share >My mac user has full acl and posix righs for the test and the message from >finder is that i "dont have access to some of the items". > > >As i'm really not a mac specialist i was asking my self what about the map >UID,GUID options in the Directory utility advanced options ? > > >Thanks again for your detailed answer, may you can give me another hint :) > > >Kind regards, Athan > > > >________________________________ > De : Jason MacChesney <jason.macches...@ecacs16.ab.ca> >À : Athan DE JONG <athan.dej...@yahoo.fr> >Cc : "samba@lists.samba.org" <samba@lists.samba.org> >Envoyé le : Jeudi 3 octobre 2013 16h40 >Objet : Re: [Samba] write problem from mac osx 10.8.5 clients to samba 4 > > > >Hey Athan, I was able to deploy OSX in a samba4 environment. Here is my >procedure: > > >go to System Preferences > User and Groups and create a new account with admin >privileges. This will be developed into a default profile for domain users. >Log out and in with the user. > > >Open Keychain Access and delete "Login" > >Spend some time opening all the applications on the operating system, >registering all welcome prompts, and performing all necessary updates/changes. > > > >**THIS MAY BE WHAT YOU'RE LOOKING FOR"** >Go back to System Preferences > User and Groups. Right-click the appropriate >account > Advanced Options: set the Home Directory to smb://[REALM_OF_DC]/$USER > > >Open a terminal: >sudo rm /Users/[new_default_account]/Library/Caches/* >sudo rm -rf /System/Library/User\ Template/English.lproj/* > >cd /System/Library/User\ Template/English.lproj/ sudo rsync -rav /Users/[new_default_account]/ . (that's a period, so you're copying into the present working directory above) > > >Apple > Recent items > Clear Menu >Reboot into your normal Admin account. > >Disk utility > repair disk permissions >Delete the account that's been set up. > > > >As Admin, let's bind to the domain controller. Head back to Users and Groups >and head to Login Options. >Edit Network Account Server > Open Directory Utility > Active Directory > >Bind to your active directory FQDN. > >Under User Experience, uncheck both "Create mobile account at login" and >"Force local home directory on startup disk." > > >The one other clincher, I think, was going to the ADUC snap-in and mapping the >home directory for all users. > > > >On Thu, Oct 3, 2013 at 6:04 AM, Athan DE JONG <athan.dej...@yahoo.fr> wrote: > >Hi >> >>I have setup a samba 4 DC with mixed client environment. >>My problem is that the mac osx client are unable to write to a samba 4 share. >> >>I tested mac osx clients on a normal windows 7 share and it works fine >>I tested mac osx clients on a samba 3.5 .. share and everything works fine. >> >>As i am in a professional environment and all the windows clients are already >>binded to the samba 4 domain i can not step back to samba3. >> >>My mac osx clients are binded and im able to view/edit active directory from >>the mac. >> >>My only issue is that i can not write to the samba 4 shares. i have verified >>all about permissions, and my thought is that mac osx confuses unix and acl >>rights. >> >>Is there a workaround or a special thing to do regarding UID map GUID map >> >>please be aware that i'm not a mac specialist, but have to handlwith it >>because of professional reasons. >> >>i am searching a solution for weeks now and really need some help ! >> >>Kind regards >>-- >>To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the >>instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba >> > > > -- To unsubscribe from this list go to the following URL and read the instructions: https://lists.samba.org/mailman/options/samba