On 26/09/13 19:13, Jeremy Allison wrote:


Just as a guess, turn off unix extensions ("unix extensions = no")
in the [global] section of your smb.conf and then restart smbd.

While that will probably do the trick the piece of sh*t that is the Mac OSX smb client can still do wacko things with symbolic links regardless.

I know for certain for example that loading the tsmsm vfs module causes at least the 10.6 client to "think" the server on the other end is a Unix one and behave differently in it's handling of symbolic links!!!

Then there is the whole Minshall+French symbolic link weirdness where if a perfectly valid such link is created outside the Mac OSX client (version I forget) it takes the client some random amount of time (at least several minutes) for it to recognise that it is actually a symlink it should follow.

In short the Mac OSX smb clients are a steaming pile of dinosaur droppings which have subtly different behaviour between at least the following versions 10.4, 10.5, 10.6 and 10.7 that makes a working configuration for all of them very difficulty to achieve.

Fortunately I no longer have to support them :-)


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Fife, United Kingdom.
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