Hi Thomas,

On 2013-09-25 14:19, Thomas Harold wrote:
> On 9/25/2013 4:00 AM, Thomas Zeitinger wrote:
>> [...]
> Maybe try the sernet samba4 packages?  They have a DEB for wheezy.
> http://enterprisesamba.com/
> You have to register, but the package downloads are free and they
> support apt-get.  I use the sernet packages for CentOS6 with no issues.
> (I built samba 4.0.6 on CentOS 6 earlier this year, now we just use
> the sernet packages.  It's easier.)

Thanks for the hint, but this is no option. We build already a few
instances from source and I don't want to mix the installations.

Best regards

Thomas Zeitinger

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