Hello Götz,

Am 20.09.2013 08:54, schrieb Götz Reinicke - IT Koordinator:
we still run a Red Hat EL 6.x samba-3.6.9-151 PDC with domain login,
roaming profiles, Windws 7 clients and LDAP back end.

In the last couple of weeks we notice some unregular crashes with abrt
reports. But as an university our RH subscription dose not include the
full support.

I cant see any changes to the installation or configuration which might
have an influence to the chrashes.

So any suggestion or help on debugging that problem is very appreciated.

please provide some more information to reduce the possible 75381 causes for your problem to a smaller number ;-)

* Any messages/backtraces in the logs when the crash appears?

* What kind of crashes are these? Does only a user smbd process crashes? Or do the parent smbd process die? Or maybe nmbd/winbindd?

* Can you try a self compiled version (preferred 3.6.18 if you want to stay in the 3.6 tree)? Maybe the problem/bug is meanwhile fixed/gone.

* ...?


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