
I solved my bind problem:

Am Donnerstag, den 12.09.2013, 16:16 +0200 schrieb Noël Köthe:

> 12-Sep-2013 15:43:07.495 samba_dlz: started for DN DC=domain,DC=de
> 12-Sep-2013 15:43:07.495 samba_dlz: starting configure
> 12-Sep-2013 15:43:07.496 dns_rdata_fromtext: buffer-0x7f1c0cbcd680:1: near 
> 'hostmaster.domain.de': not a valid number

>    realm = DOMAIN.DE
>    netbios name = sso-test System

The netbios name was "sso-test System" (my failure to add a additional
and wrong space) with the result in the machine account "SSO-TEST SYSTEM
$@DOMAIN.DE" but the system name is just sso-test.

Comment out this option and reprovisioning solves my bind problem. Just
if somebody have the same problem.

Is it worth to file a bug to have the option checked?

Noël Köthe <noel debian.org>
Debian GNU/Linux, www.debian.org

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