I'm running samba4 as an AD DC, built from git (built ~3 days ago), with
about ~20 Windows 8 clients.

I've noticed a number of errors in the logs, pasted below. That group of
errors repeats pretty consistently for a lot of different client machines.

[2013/09/08 08:12:14.539679,  2] ../source3/smbd/reply.c:592(reply_special)
  netbios connect: name1=SERVER-NAME         0x20 name2=RANDOM-DESKTOP  0x0
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.539809,  2] ../source3/smbd/reply.c:633(reply_special)
  netbios connect: local=server-name remote=random-desktop, name type = 0
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.561779,  2]
  Module 'acl_xattr' loaded
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.561813,  2]
  connect_acl_xattr: setting 'inherit acls = true' 'dos filemode = true'
and 'force unknown acl user = true' for service IPC$
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.568974,  2] ../source3/smbd/reply.c:592(reply_special)
  netbios connect: name1=SERVER-NAME         0x20 name2=RANDOM-DESKTOP   0x0
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.569116,  2] ../source3/smbd/reply.c:633(reply_special)
  netbios connect: local=server-name remote=random-desktop, name type = 0
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.578691,  2]
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all
old resources.
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.582980,  2]
  setup_new_vc_session: New VC == 0, if NT4.x compatible we would close all
old resources.
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.586679,  2]
  Module 'acl_xattr' loaded
[2013/09/08 08:12:14.586728,  2]
  connect_acl_xattr: setting 'inherit acls = true' 'dos filemode = true'
and 'force unknown acl user = true' for service IPC$
[2013/09/08 08:12:25.252719,  2]
  smbd_smb2_request_incoming: client read error
[2013/09/08 08:12:58.311420,  2]
  Could not find child 20701 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:13:58.373941,  2]
  Could not find child 20707 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:14:58.436376,  2]
  Could not find child 20708 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:15:58.498762,  2]
  Could not find child 21281 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:16:58.552461,  2]
  Could not find child 21282 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:17:58.556197,  2]
  Could not find child 21287 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:18:58.568045,  2]
  Could not find child 21294 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:19:58.630414,  2]
  Could not find child 21296 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:20:58.692823,  2]
  Could not find child 21886 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:21:58.755215,  2]
  Could not find child 21887 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:22:58.814452,  2]
  Could not find child 21890 -- ignoring
[2013/09/08 08:23:58.830416,  2]
  Could not find child 21896 -- ignoring

Not sure if this is something I should be concerned about.

> smb.conf:

 workgroup = CORP
netbios name = SERVER-NAME
 server role = active directory domain controller
dns forwarder =
guest account = nobody
 load printers = no
printing = bsd
printcap name = /dev/null
 disable spoolss = yes
panic action = /home/semenko/panic-action %d
log level = 2 smb:10
 log file = /ramcache/log.%U

path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol/corp.example.com/scripts
 read only = No

path = /usr/local/samba/var/locks/sysvol
read only = No

        path = /srv/samba/profiles
        read only = Yes
writeable = No
        browseable = No
 vfs objects = fake_perms

        path = /home/CORP
        read only = No
        browseable = No

Nick Semenkovich
Laboratory of Dr. Jeffrey I. Gordon
Medical Scientist Training Program
School of Medicine
Washington University in St. Louis
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