
I once had this issue when I did not use the full domain name. Try and use
the full name "testdomain.local" for example when joining the domain.

Also make sure you use have the DNS properly configured on both the DC and

On the linux side, make sure you have in /etc/resolve.conf :

Domain yourfulldomainname
nameserver x.x.x.x (ip address samba dc)

And Dns1=x.x.x.x (ip address samba dc) in

Post back with the results :)


Sent via Android Mobile Device
On Sep 10, 2013 5:27 PM, <jared.m.jacob...@l-3com.com> wrote:

> Thanks for your help.
> I tried configuring the Windows 7 registry settings listed here, even
> though it says it shouldn't be necessary for an Active Directory domain:
> https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Registry_changes_for_NT4-style_domains.
> The client acts exactly the same.
> Are there other registry settings somewhere else, or is this some other
> problem?
> Jared
> From: luisforchesa...@gmail.com [mailto:luisforchesa...@gmail.com]
> Sent: Friday, September 06, 2013 6:25 AM
> To: Jacobson, Jared M @ CSG - CSW
> Subject: Re: [Samba] Windows 7 samba 4 domain join problem
> Greetings Jared.
> Let's start the troubleshoot with Win7. Normally you need to modofy it's
> registry to Win7 work with Samba. Was it done?
> Att.
> 2013/9/5 <jared.m.jacob...@l-3com.com>
> I stood up a samba 4 (4.0.9) Active Directory domain controller on a Red
> Hat Enterprise Linux 6.3 server, configured in accordance with the Samba
> AD DC HOWTO <https://wiki.samba.org/index.php/Samba_AD_DC_HOWTO> , and
> tailored to the domain name I want.  I'm trying to join a Windows 7
> Enterprise Edition client to the domain.  Windows responds with "Your
> computer could not be joined to the domain because the following error
> has occurred: The network path was not found."
> I used wireshark to capture the message exchange.  ... here's a summary
> of the messages
> exchanged (C = Win 7 client, S = samba server, pretending client IP is
>, server IP is, server name is server, client
> name is client, and domain name is domain.name):
> ...
> 13.   C->S: CLDAP search request "<ROOT>" baseobject
> a.       Filter: DnsDomain=domain.name && Host=CLIENT && User=CLIENT &&
> AAC=80:01:00:00 && NtVer=0x20000016
> b.      Attributes: netlogon
> 14.   S->C: CLDAP serchresentry
> a.       Type: netlogon
> Based on this exchange, it looks like the Win 7 client is trying to use
> the username CLIENT (message 13) rather than the "Administrator"
> username I put in when attempting to join the domain, and the server is
> rejecting that user because it doesn't know that user.
> Is it normal for the Win 7 client to use the computer name for the
> username, here?  Did I miss something in the HOWTO?  Am I supposed to
> add the client computer name to the Active Directory before trying to
> join the domain?
> --
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