On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 15:00 +0200, steve wrote:
> Hi
> I think I've managed to get the automount classes into the the schema:
>  ldbsearch
> --url=/usr/local/samba/private/sam.ldb.d/"CN=SCHEMA,CN=CONFIGURATION,DC=HH3,DC=SITE.ldb"
>  | grep "dn: CN=automount"
> dn: CN=automountKey,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=hh3,DC=site
> dn: CN=automount,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=hh3,DC=site
> dn: CN=automountInformation,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=hh3,DC=site
> dn: CN=automountMapName,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=hh3,DC=site
> dn: CN=automountMap,CN=Schema,CN=Configuration,DC=hh3,DC=site
> 1. Samba fires up fine. Does that look about right?
> 2. I now have to convert the following files to LDAP syntax:
> /etc/auto.master
> /home/users /etc/auto.users
> and:
> /etc/auto.users
> * -fstype=cifs,sec=krb5,username=cifsuser,multiuser ://altea/users/&
> There's so much unreadable stuff out there. Do we have anything
> followable for this? Can anyone point me in the right direction?
> Cheers,
> Steve
Hi again
Really struggling with this. I've translated the flat files to this:

dn: automountmapname=auto.master,dc=hh3,dc=site
automountMapName: auto.master
objectClass: automountMapobjectClass: top
instanceType: 4

dn: automountKey=/home/users,automountmapname=auto.master,dc=hh3,dc=site
automountInformation: auto.users
automountKey: /home/users
objectClass: top
objectClass: automount

dn: automountmapname=auto.users,dc=hh3,dc=site
automountMapName: auto.users
objectClass: automountMap
objectClass: top

dn: automountKey=*,automountmapname=auto.users,dc=hh3,dc=site
-fstype=cifs,sec=krb5,username=cifsuser,multiuser ://altea/users/&
automountKey: *
objectClass: top
objectClass: automount

It will not accept the automountMapName atribute when trying to add it
with ldbadd.

However, in this post:
it seems I'm not allowed to have either the automountMapName nor
automountKey attributes.

How do I do this without those attributes?

There's a wiki item here:
which I used to extend the schema. It doesn't work as it stands but at
least I seem to have got the stuff into AD now.

Is there anyone who has managed to:
1. Extend the schema to include automounter maps?
2. Constructed automount maps in AD?

Any help most grateful.

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