On Aug 10, 2013, at 4:22, Andrew Bartlett <abart...@samba.org> wrote:
> On Sat, 2013-08-10 at 03:19 -0400, Scott Lovenberg wrote:
>> On Aug 5, 2013, at 0:09, ketut.nur...@dexagroup.com wrote:
>>> dear Samba team,
>>> Today we have used samba ver. 3 as primary domain controller at my 
>>> company. To improve the Samba technology and feature to support our 
>>> business , we want to upgrade to Samba 4. 
>>> Is there any tools or support to provide upgrade solution from Samba 3 to 
>>> samba 4 ?
>>> For the information current Samba version we are used and running on 
>>> Mandriva :
>>> samba-common-3.0.23b-7mdv2007.0
>>> samba-server-3.0.23b-7mdv2007.0
>>> samba-smbldap-tools-3.0.23b-7mdv2007.0
>>> samba-client-3.0.23b-7mdv2007.0
>>> samba-doc-3.0.23b-7mdv2007.0
>>> Any suggestion or support please contact me.
>> Although no longer technically supported, the upgrade provision script has 
>> done well for many people. Have you considered trying it in a virtual 
>> environment?
> The upgradeprovision script is not for upgrades from Samba 3.x or
> classic domains, it is about old (very old) databases from the 4.0 alpha
> series.  Use of the samba-tool domain classicupgrade command remains and
> will remain fully supported.

Sorry, Andrew,  you are correct. I meant classicupgrade instead of 
upgradeprovision (to be fair,  it's 4:30 AM on this side of the pond :))  

Although I thought that classic upgrade still had some issues to be worked out, 
IIRC from the mailing list/IRC discussions. Am I mistaken?
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