On Wed, 2013-07-31 at 09:42 -0400, Steve Ligett wrote:
> H - I'm a Resara Server user - Resara Server was a turnkey Samba 4 system.
> I have been lurking on this list, trying to decide what way to go for the
> future. I've seen some post regarding moving from Resara, but I'm not sure
> if I want to "get my hands dirty" - I've enjoyed the simplicity of Resara.
> Are there any other turnkey Samba solutions? Or simple cookbook solutions?
The HOWTO is our standard 'cookbook'.  While it has grown, we do intend
it to be a 'turnkey' solution - once you run provision, you should have
a working domain. 


Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Catalyst IT                   http://catalyst.net.nz

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