> From: Andrew Bartlett [mailto:abart...@samba.org] 
> One thing we have found when developing Samba is that very quickly we
> find that one thing depends on another.  It isn't easy to 'just do the
> basics'.  Indeed, the AD DC isn't actually that large, 
> compared with so
> much else that we need.
> That isn't to say that for example printing comes free - and I think
> there even is an option to disable that code - but a 'cut down samba'
> isn't free either.  Much of the bulk comes from library code we have
> come to depend on across the whole sever.

That all may be true, but when it's around eighty megabytes, something's
wrong. That's a Microsoftian level of bloat.


Ciao,               Paul D. DeRocco
Paul                mailto:pdero...@ix.netcom.com 

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