On Sat, 2013-07-27 at 23:20 +0800, Kinglok, Fong wrote:
> Dear all,
> After using samba 3 for two years, I have just spent totally one week
> finishing setting up a samba 4 file system in my working school.
> There are about 200 computers, 80+ staff, 1000 students and 10
> printers.  The AD was properly setup, mandatory profile and one GPO
> policy (which is printer download trust) is effective for all users.
> Logon script is for mapping four shares and 10 printers from the file
> server.   Also, I have setup two additional DCs (with AD replication
> and DHCP server) for two other subnets in the hope to speed up the
> logon process.
> The benefits of Samba 4 are clear: more robust file serving
> (supporting the windows ACL), speedy printing (with the help of point
> and printer driver) and administration of AD through with windows
> remote admin tool.  However, logon speed is just far from good.
> In the days of Samba 3.6, users can logon the system within 20
> seconds, even with more than 80 users logon in the same time (two
> classes students login during computer lesson).  Now, with only one
> user logging in (who is me), it takes nearly 60 seconds to do the
> logon.  I have tried disabling drive and printer mapping in logon
> script and applying a registry hack (note 1) shorten the profile
> waiting time in windows 7 client side but it makes no difference in
> logon speed.
> I have taken a look on the document in sambaXP 2013:
> http://sambaxp.org/fileadmin/user_upload/SambaXP2013-DATA/thu/track1/Matthieu_Patou-Smaller_Faster_Scalier.pdf
> and two thread in samba-technical mailing list:
> https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2013-January/089755.html
> https://lists.samba.org/archive/samba-technical/2013-May/092332.html
> It seems that samba team is doing some great work in spotting the
> unindexed search in LDB as one of block in performance. 

It is one block, but it is the one we expect to really hit at around
10000, not 1000-2000.  As Richard has indicated, what we need from you
is an indication of what operation is slow.  Timeouts of this order
indicate something different to a slow database - they indicate things
like DNS timeing out. 

Once you work out which specific operation is blocking, we can
investigate more - be it in regards to your network, or our code, we
don't mind either way, but we need to work out which to look into.

Andrew Bartlett

Andrew Bartlett
Authentication Developer, Samba Team           http://samba.org
Samba Developer, Catalyst IT                   http://catalyst.net.nz

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