Dear all,

I have a setup of  MultiDCs currently running in Windows 2008 R2 .
Now I have successfully  joined  a Samba4 DC (gt version) with my Windows
DC. Replication works perfectly from Windows Dc to Samba DC., but the other
way is not working.
When i add a user in samba dc it is not getting replicated to Windows DC.
"samba-tool drs showrepl" shows "0 consecutive failures" and when i force
for a replication from samba Dc to any of my Windows DC from "Sites and
Services" the system just hangs.
Also  the NTDS replication settings lists all the 20 Windows DC. Even if i
delete them and keep only 2 servers for replication, within few mins it
refreshes and  shows all the 20 servers again.

How can i restrict the replication servers list in samba and how to achieve
a two way replication in samba.

More info available if needed.

Prema S
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