As i wrote on my last e-mail, I'm getting some errors in
classicupgrade with LDAP.
This is the error:
ERROR(<class 'samba.provision.ProvisioningError'>): uncaught exception
- ProvisioningError:
 Could not add member 'S-1-5-21-511255529-1355219746-1726288727-3850' to
 group '               S-1-5-21-511255529-13552198727-3017' as either
group or user record doesn't exist:
 Unable to find GUID for DN

The problem is that this users and group exist. The only thing is that
this SID reported for the group is wrong (in the script only). If I
search on my LDAP directly, i could not found
S-1-5-21-511255529-13552198727-3017.....but if you take a close look,
this number is incomplete.

S-1-5-21-511255529-13552198727-3017 -> reported on the script
S-1-5-21-511255529-1355219746-1726288727-3017 -> the correct SID on LDAP

S-1-5-21-511255529-1355219XXXXXXXXXX8727-3017 -> reported on the script
S-1-5-21-511255529-1355219746-1726288727-3017 -> the correct SID on LDAP

See? Those "X" are being cut in classicupgrade.....why?
Everything is correct on my LDAP database, the SID is OK, not cuted.

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