On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 14:53 +0100, Jonathan Buzzard wrote:

> What gets me is people claiming that half a dozen lines of configuration
> in smb.conf is more complicated than 30+ lines of configuration in an
> entirely separate configuration file in addition to several lines in
> smb.conf. It might be more performant, it might have fewer bugs etc. but
> it is absolutely not simpler to configure.

The main difference is that even though sssd may involve copying and
pasting a configuration file to /etc somewhere and changing the domain
name therein, once you've done it, you just start it and forget it.
Unfortunately most mortles here cannot do that with winbind. That's why
we always try and help users with winbind. Don't let's forget the OP in
all this: the winbind documentations seems to be written for devs for
devs. There is nothing written in simple terms to help us nor the OP.

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