On Mon, Jul 22, 2013 at 01:24:52AM -0700, Paul D. DeRocco wrote:
> > From: Volker Lendecke [mailto:volker.lende...@sernet.de] 
> > 
> > There is also the "username map" parameter, using which you
> > can for example say
> > 
> > username map = /etc/samba/usermap
> > 
> > and then open a file named /etc/samba/username with a single
> > line containing
> > 
> > root = *
> That looks like just the ticket. But I still need to know which of the
> following three things is true:
> 1) I can rely on Unix authentication and not even bother with SMB passwords,
> if I don't mind telling the clients the local root password.
> 2) I can use smbpasswd to assign a different client password, so I can keep
> the local root password secret from the clients.
> 3) I must use smbpasswd and assign the same password as the local root
> password.
2) is correct.


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