On Tue, 2013-07-09 at 07:35 -0300, Nicolas Pagliaro wrote:
> Hi Nico, thanks for your answer. I don't need to have an AD server installed 
> in my centos. 
> I just needs to connect to my Windows DC that have AD because I need to have 
> samba shares with AD users permissions. 
> Now I remove all samba4 package with. Yum remove samba4*
> I am downloading the last version of samba from git samba and samba-commons 

I would stick with the samba packages as provided by the distribution.
For a member file server like you want these provide everything you
require and are of course covered by security updates as well. For a
member file server there is little to be gained from moving to a 4.x
version of Samba.


Jonathan A. Buzzard                 Email: jonathan (at) buzzard.me.uk
Fife, United Kingdom.

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